Today, tribute of the Camagüey Ballet to Fernando Alonso and July 26


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Camagüey, Cuba, Culture, Dance, Camagüey Ballet, Fernando Alonso, July 26, National Day of Rebellion

Camagüey, July 27.- Aggufá, de Víctor Cuellar, is the first that the Camagüey Ballet proposes today at the Teatro Principal of the city, along with two other pieces, Ad Liber and Aguas Primaverales, local choreographer Lila Martínez and the famous Russian ballet dancer and teacher, already deceased, Asaf Messerer, respectively.

The decor is dedicated to this occasion to the 65th anniversary of the badault of the Moncada Barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes on July 26, 1953, a day that will remain in history as that of the National Rebellion.

the presentation becomes a tribute, five years after his death, to Fernando Alonso, National Dance Award, founder of the Cuban School of Ballet and the National Ballet of Cuba, who directed the company Camagüey for nearly two decades. is coming back today to reverence him on the stage.

For tomorrow Saturday, at eight thirty in the evening, and Sunday at five o'clock in the evening, two other premieres are reserved: Los amantes y la muerte, by Osvaldo Beiro, and Random, by Tania Vergara [19659009] With these presentations, the Camagüey Ballet also celebrates the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Cuban Association of Artisans Craftsmen (ACAA).

In the main roles of the program of the three nights the first dancers will be Rosa María Armengol and Yanni García. (Danía Díaz Socarrás / Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photo: Courtesy of the Camagüey Ballet)

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