Workers in the sugar sector of the province of Ciego de Ávila have agreed to nominate the next Zafra competition of the XXI Trade Union Congress 2018-2019 by direct and secret ballot at the second Provincial Conference.
Duarte Ortega, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary of the province, in an badembly supported by the Sugar Company, its workers and also the cane sugar cooperatives linked to the Association National Small Farmers
develop mobilizations every week to increase seeding of the cane with the necessary quality, based on the sense of belonging, discipline, the use of working time and pay attention to their workers.
Meanwhile, the industrials of the four power plants have a greater significance in August, September and October to undertake the tests with load in noviembr They advance the beginning of milling, said Marilyn Diaz Montalvo, general secretary of the company. in this sector.
The chief said that in the next grind will be used the cane left by bad weather in the past harvest, not to mention industrial efficiency and other indicators.
Recognition was received by the workers of the Agustín Balmaseda Cooperative Production Unit, Baraguá, with 63 tons of cane per hectare; At the same time, his counterpart Comandante Guevara recorded yields of 70 tons in the same area, explains Eduardo Larroza, director of the sugar mill
However, seven other production bases located in several sugar factories do not reach 30 tons per hectare. the grbad, and it is imperative that the estimated averages are about 40 tons so that there is more sugar in the coming contest.
Among the preparations for the sweet stem campaign are the repairs of means intended for the transportation of sugar cane. tipper trucks, both in trucks and trolleys and the rail network, the latter being extremely essential in each of the four plants.
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