Trump launches criticism of NATO again


July 9, 2018, 08:57 Washington, July 9 (Prensa Latina) US President Donald Trump has described as unjust and unacceptable his country, according to him, significantly exceeds the rest of the members of the United States. Treaty Organization of the North Atlantic (NATO).

The comments of the Republican leader, exposed in his personal account of the social network as he did before, took place only two days before the start of the bloc's summit at its headquarters in Brussels.

According to the head of state, beyond the nations of the military alliance, which has the rejection of Russia, have increased their contributions since arriving at the White House. "

Germany is at one percent, the United States at four percent, writes Trump before adding that NATO benefits more from Europe than it does from the rest of Europe. to his nation and that many members are not close. of the commitment to allocate

The European Union also has a trade surplus of $ 151 million with the United States, with major trade barriers to US products. ¡No !, Mem / dsa

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