Trump visits Scotland amid protests (+ photos)


London, July 14 (Prensa Latina) US President Donald Trump travels to Scotland today in an atmosphere marked by protests against his presence on British territory and a rejection of his policy.
The US President wrote this Saturday on his Twitter account on social networks that he will have two days of meetings, calls and a bit of golf in his sports and hotel complex Trump Turnberry, located at off the southwest coast of Ayrshire.

Meanwhile, about 10 thousand people took to the streets of Edinburgh as part of demonstrations, which will take place in several cities of this constituent territory of the United Kingdom, said the British newspaper The Guardian [19659003]. Extended security device, with over five thousand additional agents and whose cost has been estimated at around five million euros.

Before Trump arrived in the area, the day before, the first of the protests took place in Glasgow, which brought together thousands of people.

Also the organization Greenpeace flew over with a banner in the vicinity of the hotel to denounce the president's environmental policy. American Entity

Scotland is the homeland of Trump's mother and in this territory, the American ruler has since 2014 two luxury complexes with golf courses, which have confronted ecologists, residents and even the Scottish Government. 19659004] His previous visit to this region dates back to June 2016, when he ran as a Republican Party candidate to occupy the White House, and he also received several protests against the Trump Turnberry.

During his stay in London, thousands of people took to the streets with placards to speak against the presence of the president in the European country.

Organized by the organization Together Against Trump, protests began in this capital, against President's policies on issues such as immigration, race relations, discrimination against women and climate change .

The protesters mocked the American president with a Giant Giant Globe who pictured him as an orange baby screaming, layered and with a cell phone in his hand to tweet.

The six-meter balloon evoked the capricious, changing and childlike character of the White House leader, as explained by the organizers of the demonstrations

In this way, the governor will make his first official visit to the UK on Sunday, after meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May yesterday and having tea with Queen Elizabeth II.

oda / rbp

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