TSE will start the process of registration in EE. UU


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Six months after the call for general elections, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) announced that the registration process would begin on July 15, so that Guatemalans residing in the United States may vote in 2019.

According to data from the National Register of Persons (Renap), 155,772 Guatemalans living in the United States have applied for their Personal Identification Document (PID). Thanks to a website administered by the TSE, these thousands of people can register, so it will be necessary to enter their name and surname, as well as the number of their DPI and their mobile phone. Nationals who use this web platform will have their own space that they can enter through a user and a pbadword that they will create.

The information published by Renap indicates that California and New York are the states where the issuance of PGD is requested. The data shows that since 2017, the number of required documents has tripled in these places.

The only ones who can vote abroad are those who live in the United States. Guatemalans will not have to receive, mark and send a physical ballot to the Tribunal, but they will exercise their right to vote on this website.

The President of the TSE, Mario Aguilar, explained that everything will be done Internet, because they want to avoid the agglomeration of Guatemalan immigrants to the United States UU since by the US migration policies this could generate fear among compatriots.

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