Unemployment rate in the UK decreases between March and May


London, July 17 (Prensa Latina) The unemployment rate in the United Kingdom was established at 4, 2% between March and May with 1 million 410,000 unemployed declared today by the United States. National Statistical Office (NSO) for its acronym in English. ).
The figure represents a decrease of three tenths for this indicator which stood at 4.5% in the same period of the previous year.

During March and May of 2018 the nation achieved an employment rate of 75.5 percent, which places the employed at 32.4 million, the highest figure for which data are available since 1971

The information added that, meanwhile, the UK has had an increase in the number of employees in 137,000 people, which represents an increase of 388,000 people a year

while the employment rate of men was 80.1%, the rate of women reached 71.3 percentage points, the report added. On the other hand, average weekly wages increased by 2.5% per year during the reporting period, a slowdown from the previous quarter, when the indicator grew by 2.6%, reported # 39; ONS.

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