United Kingdom offers an elegant welcome to Trump in the midst of the demonstrations


Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.- The President of the United States, Donald Trump, pbaded this Thursday from one controversial place to another, leaving the meeting of the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) Brussels and settles in the UK, where he met a government in conflict and protests that followed everywhere.

However, everything was calm during his welcome ceremony at the Blenheim Palace.

Hundreds of protesters chanted outside the residence of the US ambbadador in which Trump remains outside of London, in anticipation of the stormy protests expected during his two days in the United Kingdom. United emphasized AP.

Trump was quickly taken to a welcome oasis at the gala reception in Blenheim, the birthplace of Winston Churchill, the outstanding leader whose president said he was a model of leadership.

helicopter on the agenda of Trump, whose team chose to keep it largely away from central London and the protests, which will undoubtedly provide some of the images that will define his first official trip to the UK.

Trump's presidential helicopter of the ambbadador's residence was accompanied by protesters booing pans and pans, and another group of protesters were placed alongside the roads near From the palace.

His signs said, "Throw Trump," "Shut it down," "Bisoñé, there will be very negative consequences." Police worked overtime without rest days

Prime Minister Theresa May, whose government was shaken by resignations due to the Brexit controversy, received Trump in the palace.

Before leaving Brussels, Trump downplayed the protests but acknowledged that he was expecting tensions upon his arrival in the UK.

"I'm going to very hectic places," said the president before heading to Britain. Monday's summit in Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin

"And I said," Putin could be the easiest of all "You never know, but now I'm going to a very controversial place .. with a lot of resignations. "

The outdoor welcome ceremony – Trump wore a tuxedo and the first lady Melania Trump in a light yellow muslin dress – was pompous with a military group, hundreds of black tie and business leaders a beautiful sunset.

Hours ahead in Elgica B, the atmosphere was a lot less cheerful.

During his 28 hours there, Trump spoke badly of the former NATO allies, raised doubts about his commitment to the mutual defense organization, and generated a session of the day. urgency in the organ of 29 members.

He said the alliance was a "well-tuned machine" that had accepted his demands to speed up the increase in military spending and relieve pressure on the US budget. But there was little evidence that other leaders had yielded to their wishes on this front.

Neither Trump nor NATO provided details on what the US president said he had achieved.

Brexit Plan Can "Kill" Trade Agreement

British Prime Minister Theresa May's Plan for Brexit May "Probably Kill" the Possibility of an Agreement free trade with the United States, said Trump in an interview to the newspaper The Sun for its Friday edition

"If they approve an agreement like this, we will deal with the European Union instead of the UK, and this can probably kill the deal, "said the US president. start of a four-day visit to the UK, AFP said.

In some rare comments on British politics, Trump also said that former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, who resigned from his post this week, because of the plan for Brexit, he could be "a great prime minister."

And also opined that the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who authorized a balloon representing Trump in the layers to fly over the Parliament During the demonstrations on Friday, the British government does a "horrible job" in the fight against crime.

The British government unveiled Thursday the details of its plan on future relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union. (EU) after Brexit, scheduled for March 2019.

The project provides for the establishment of a new "free trade zone for goods" aimed at maintaining a "frictionless" trade "with the 27 Member States of the EU. This would allow, through a "simplified customs agreement", "to avoid a difficult border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland".

"If you do that, the trade agreement is probably not done with the United States bone," warned Trump during the interview with the tabloid, the newspaper Britain's best-selling, noting that he would have approached the UK's exit from the European Union in a different way.

"I would have made it very different In fact, I told Theresa May how to do it, but she did not agree, she did not listen to me I wanted to follow another path. "

" In fact, I would say that it's probably gone in the other direction. And that's fine I should negotiate in the best way that I know, but what is happening is very bad. "

The United Kingdom hopes that a free trade agreement will be reached with the United States," the closest ally but also the most loved friend ", according to May

. reverse for the head of the British executive, who is trying to establish his authority within his conservative party, divided on Brexit.

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