United Nations concerned about Honduran feminicide


12 July 2018, 15:11 Tegucigalpa, 12 June (Prensa Latina) The Honduran government must act as soon as possible to stop femicides, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has warned. man. This country, in an interview published today

"For us, as a matter of human rights and the 20/30 development agenda, it is interesting that women can enjoy their rights and freedoms Expressing concern over the increase in crimes against women, Pazo stressed the complexity of the issue and said that "if gangs are there is a lack of protection for women. "

This is not just about investigating, but to warn when there is a vulnerability," said the official, noting the death of 127 Hondurans in the first half of the year, data from "the government". Observatory of Violence of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (OV-UNAH).

According to Pazo, to study this type of crime already established protocols in the field of human rights must be followed with the aim of "The state must understand that this violence is the result of rooted discrimination and that it must tackle the issue of attacking the causes of violence, by changing the cultural patterns that are very involved in each case. "[19659003] He also emphasized the importance of strengthening the public prosecutor's office and protecting investigators in the case of femicide and violence.

In 2017, 380 women were brutally killed, while the last 15 years, the figure has exceeded five thousand 600 deaths, and more than 90% of the cases are unpunished, according to the figures cited by the source.

OV-UNAH, every 18 hours, the murder of 39 a woman is registered in Honduras, a country with an average of 11 homicides per day, and the violence caused by organized crime and drug trafficking is one of the main scourges.

oda / lla

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