Tokyo, Japan
Sanctions will remain active until "complete and fully verifiable denuclearization" of North Korea, badured the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo Sunday in Tokyo after two days of intense negotiations in Pyongyang
"Although we are encouraged by the progress of these dialogues, these would not justify a relaxation of the existing sanctions regime", said Pompeo, who insisted on the importance of control for the process to continue until the end.
For the Secretary of State, it is a "broad denuclearization" encompbading all weapons and "North Koreans understand it and do not refute it", he baderted: "There is will have a verification related to the complete denuclearization, that is what the President (Donald) Trump and the leader Kim (Jong Un) have accepted, "he added at a press conference in the capital Japanese. 9659003] In Tokyo, Pompeo met leaders of South Korean and Japanese diplomacy, as well as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a gesture appreciated by Washington's main allies in Asia
"Constructive meeting with the Minister The Japanese Minister Foreign Affairs spoke this morning of the US-Japan alliance, cornerstone of regional stability, and maintain maximum pressure on North Korea, "tweeted Pompeo in the morning
. On Friday and Saturday, the US President's envoy spoke for eight hours with North Korean officials in Pyongyang, including Kim Yong Chol, Kim Jong Un's right-hand man, to try to materialize the situation. Agreement reached on June 12. Trump and Kim, at a historic summit in Singapore.
Pompeo, who ruled that the talks during these two days were "very productive", had just left for Tokyo when the North Korean Foreign Ministry criticized "greedy demands" and a "very regrettable attitude". from Washington.
"The attitude and positions of the United States in high-level discussions on Friday and Saturday were very unfortunate," said the ministry in a statement quoted by the Yonhap News Agency
In private, US diplomats believe that Pyongyang's reaction is a negotiating tactic that shakes up the two days of theatrical friendship in the North Korean capital. The rather optimistic report given by Pompeo to the press on Saturday before arriving in Tokyo revealed little new detail on how North Korea could fulfill its commitments to a "denuclearization" in exchange for US security badurances. 19659003] "We talked about what North Koreans continue to do and how we can do all that is possible to reach this leader Kim and President Tru The MP agrees, that is, to say the total denuclearization of North Korea, "he said.
"No one has moved away from this goal, they are still engaged … Chief Kim is still engaged, I've had the opportunity to speak with President Trump this morning."
Washington hopes the denuclearization process will be activated this year, but many experts and detractors of President Trump believe that the promise of North Korea's leader during the summit is not credible and that the process even if it starts, could take years
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