United States Urges Cuban Government to Respect Freedom of Expression of Journalists, Academics and Artists


The situation of intellectuals in Cuba led Francisco Palmieri, Assistant Under-Secretary of the Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, to send a message to the Cuban government

"We urge the Cuban government to stop to control over the independent public expression of their people and the respect of human rights, journalists, academics and artists should be free to express their opinions and give free rein to their creative talents ". Washington's relations with Latin America shared in its message a report of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

This article, published on July 17, shows its concern for criminal convictions that took place in Cuba "for contempt".

"Criminalization of Academics, Journalists, Artists and Istas Activists"

More specifically, he warned against an upsurge in the "criminalization of academics, journalists, artists and activists , by the application of crimes that sanction the criticism of officials in Cuba. "

The case of Ariel Ruiz Urquiola and Eduardo Cardet Concepción, coordinator of Christian Liberation Movement (MCL) appear in the report to illustrate the situation that exists in Cuban territory.

The biologist was charged with a crime of "I disobey the authority" because on May 3 he quarreled with two members of the body of state guards who have asked him for the legal authorization to operate the farm that he has in usufruct since 2015 in the valley of Viñales, a natural area of ​​Pinar del Río where he develops an environmental project

Ruiz Urquiola felt that the phrase was "unfair" and "arbitrary" and, in response, continued his hunger and thirst strike for 16 days On July 3, he was able to return at his home in Havana after being released for health reasons by means of an "extra-criminal authorization", a legal person who does not cancel the sentences imposed.

desacato laws can become "a mechanism to silence the democratic debate around the management of government."

They also reminded the island government of principle 11 of the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression.

Freedom of expression that remains questionable and even more so after hearing Villa Clara journalist Alexander Jiménez, who called for the punishment of journalists who collaborate with "hostile" media .

During the 10th Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) asked to include a sanctioning authority in the draft code of ethics. "Those of us who run the press organs are sometimes handcuffed or without any legal basis to judge those wage earners who pay for subversion against Cuba and its social system, or believe – for sometimes they believe it – that". they will overthrow the revolution with a five-paragraph gazette, "he said. [ad_2]
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