The Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Bolivia, Thierry Rostan, today presented the main findings of the World Drug Report 2018, which highlights the According to the World Health Organization, about 450,000 people died from drug use worldwide in 2015.
The report was presented to Bolivian government authorities, representatives of the Organization World Health. civil society, diplomats and university students. He indicates that among the number of deaths mentioned above, 168,000 were related to drug use disorders, mainly overdoses.
The rest of the deaths could be indirectly attributed to drug use, and among them those related to the virus. HIV and hepatitis C have been contracted as a result of unsafe injection practices. Opioids are still the drugs that cause the most damage and are responsible for 76% of deaths related to drug use disorders.
In 2016, about 275 million people aged 15 to 64 were using drugs on at least one occasion. Globally, the annual prevalence of illicit drug use is in the order of 5.6%. 0.6% of this population had disorders of drug use.
The report argues that on the dark Internet or "darknet" 5% of pharmaceuticals are sold, 18% of drug-related chemicals and 77% of illicit drugs.
Notes that opium production has increased by 65% from 2016 to 2017. This increase is due to the increase in cultivation and the gradual increase in yield from production. opium poppy in Afghanistan
Total opium production in the world was 10,500 tons, the highest estimate recorded by UNODC. The area under opium poppy cultivation increased by 37% between 2016 and 2017, reaching 418 000 hectares. From 2015 to 2016, global seizures of opium and heroin increased by 10% and morphine seizures by 579%. In 2016, approximately 34.3 million opiate users and 19.4 million opioid users were registered
Between 2015 and 2016, the global coca culture was increased by 36%. The total area of this crop in the world was 213,000 hectares. Global cocaine production in 2016 reached 1,410 tonnes of cocaine hydrochloride, an overall increase of 25% over 2015. In 2016, the global total of cocaine seizures was 1,129 tonnes, an increase of 23 %. % The number of cocaine users worldwide is estimated at 18.2 million people
Recent trends in the global area of coca cultivation have been largely due to changes in the culture of cocaine coca in Colombia. With 146,000 hectares of coca growing in 2016, Colombia accounted for 68.5% of the world's cultivated area. In Peru, coca cultivated area reached 43,900 hectares in 2016, equivalent to 21% of the world coca acreage.
Bolivia accounted for 10% of the global coca crop in 2016, when the area under coca cultivation reached 23,100 hectares. The 14% increase in coca cultivation in Bolivia in 2016 put an end to the downward trend that began in 2010, which resulted, among other factors, from a government policy based on voluntary cuts. "of the coca culture. eradication, especially in national parks and other areas in unauthorized growing areas.
Global cocaine production in 2016 was estimated at 1,410 tons, the highest figure ever recorded. This manufacturing increased by 25% from 2015 to 2016, reaching a figure of over 1,300 tons. The amount of cocaine seized worldwide in 2016 increased by 23% over 2015 to reach the highest level ever recorded of 1,129 tonnes.
In 2016, the total number of cocaine users rose to 18.2 million, or 7% more than in 2015. More than half of cocaine users reside in the Americas, mainly in North America (34% of the world total) and almost a quarter in Europe, especially in Western and Central Europe (nearly 20% of the world total)
Synthetic drugs or new psychoactive substances ( DK) continue to spread. In 2012, 269 NHPs were reported and in 2016, this number increased to 479. In 2016, 72 new psychoactive substances entered the market. Since 2013, 60 of these substances have disappeared from the market
Research suggests that the period from early adolescence (12-14 years) to late adolescence ( 15-17 years old) presents a high risk for the teenager. beginning of the consumption of psychoactive substances, which can reach its highest peak among young people (18-25 years).
Marijuana is a drug commonly chosen by young people. However, substance use in this population differs from country to country and depends on social and economic conditions. Drug use among adults over 40 has increased more rapidly than among younger people.
The majority of people who use drugs are men, but women have specific addiction patterns.
] The proportion of women incarcerated for drug-related offenses is higher than that of men. The global population of women deprived of their liberty in 2016 was 714,000. 35% of these women are incarcerated for drug-related crimes. The global population of men deprived of their liberty in 2016 was 9.6 million inmates, of which 19% for drug-related offenses.
The World Drug Report 2018 provides a global overview of the supply and demand of opiates, cocaine, marijuana, amphetamine-type stimulants and new psychoactive substances (NPS), as well as as their impact on health. The report identifies different patterns of drug use and vulnerabilities in specific age and gender groups, and also discusses the dynamics of the global drug market.
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