US Politics Prevents the Performance of the National Ballet of Cuba


The management of the National Ballet of Cuba (BNC) clarified today by a statement the facts about his frustrated performance in the United States with the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

The Cuban company reported that the function designed for next August with the symphony orchestra mentioned above failed to consolidate, due to the complicated and expensive procedures to obtain visas that could not be badumed by the Philharmonic.

"This situation has been widely appreciated by both parties since last April of this year," adds the text

The clarification by the BNC is due to information disseminated in various US media on the refusal of visas to the Together by the US Department of State to act in this country.

This complex situation is the result of the visa policy established by the provision of US President Donald Trump, which establishes Cubans interested in traveling to the United States must process visas in a third country.

Despite these limitations, the prestigious group led by the prima ballerina badoluta Alicia Alonso has made several tours of American cities with great acceptance by public critics and specialized.

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