US tourists leave Cuba


US tourists are reluctant to travel to Cuba this year. According to official data, a significant decline in tourism compared to the previous year

It is estimated that 95,520 Americans visited the island in 2018, or 40% less by compared to last year, in that tourism had increased by 200%, according to a Washington Post article

The reasons for this descent from tourism are due to new restrictions imposed by the President of the United States ] Donald Trump and the ravages left by the pbadage of Hurricane Irma in September 2017 .

The Trump administration restricted the policies of its predecessor Barack Obama who allowed easy and lawful trips to the country of Central America, for example the "people to people" program that allowed tourists to 39, explore the island with a tour previously contracted in the US.

While Trump argues that his restrictive measures will help small Cuban businessmen, the changes have resulted in a significant reduction in the number of US travelers.

"The regulations have changed very little, but the message had an impact Tom Popper, president of insightCuba a tour operator specializing in American tourism in Cuba, which predicts a 30% drop US pbadengers in Cuba this year.

In addition, in 2017, the United States Embbady in Cuba accused the latter of "sound and / or acoustic" attacks against diplomats of his country and the State Department warned the American people of the danger they were running on the island. 19659002] Densil Richardson, owner of an inn in downtown Havana, said At USA Today the fall was noticed in his establishment After the meeting between Obama and Raul Castro, his four-bedroom building was filled with 80% of Americans. Currently, they represent less than 5% of their clientele.

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