USA confirms violations in imports of Spanish olives


July 10, 2018, 18:21 Washington, July 10 (Prensa Latina) The US International Trade Commission has corroborated that black olives imported from Spain incur unfair competition (dumping) and the producers of the European Union receives unfair subsidies, reported the entity today.

This finding is part of the investigations that last month referred to these violations and provided for the increase in tariffs for the importation of the product up to 34.75 percent.

According to the survey, Spanish producers sold black olives at a price lower from 16.88 to 25.5 percent at market value.

Within two weeks, the aforementioned commission will announce whether it confirms the imposition of customs duties, of which 20 percent correspond to the anti-dumping proceeding and the remaining 14.75 percent to subsidies.

Rates would be taxed for a period of five years According to the press report of the US Department of Commerce, imports of Spanish olives reached 67.6 last year. million bucks.

pgh / dsa

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