USA keeps 711 migrant children without their families – Mundo – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


With over 1,800 migrant children handed over to their parents and 700 still held by US authorities, a judge said last night whether the Donald Trump government respected the court's order to reunite separated families in the United States. United. border with Mexico. Yesterday, the one month deadline granted by Judge Dana Sabraw of San Diego to deliver these children to their families has expired.

The Justice Ministry said Thursday that it was waiting for all children "considered eligible for reunification" to be delivered to their loved ones. The balance corresponds to 2,551 children between the ages of 5 and 17, of whom 1,820 left refugee shelters in the Refugee Resettlement Office (RRB) for delivery to their families.

Out of 1,820 children, 1,420 were reunited 378 released in "other circumstances".

The government insists that it has met the deadline, since 711 were considered "ineligible" because the family ties could not be confirmed, the parents have "They (the US government) say that these parents are not eligible because of their criminal background, but they do not reveal whether these crimes occurred or they were deported.

in their country of origin, whether there are any minor infractions or there is a penalty for repeated illegal entry " , explained the director of racial and economic justice of the Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP), Frén Olivares

The lawyer looked into this problem in front of the "chaos" of the government which he said , has never had a reunification plan since the beginning and has caused the unknown of the 431 children who are in a "legal limbo".

"This is a good question for the government, who is the one who needs to clarify the reasons that led to clbadify expelled parents as ineligible. According to the Department of Justice, 431 parents were expelled from the United States without their children, which makes reunification difficult

. could determine that the government is in contempt, which would not necessarily accelerate the reunification process, "said Stephen W. Yale-Loehr, professor of immigration law at Cornell University , or "I could believe what he says (about) who is working quickly and in good faith to give him more time. "

Reunification and Expulsion

Controversial separations began in May, as part of Trump 's" zero tolerance "policy, when migrants, fleeing most of the violence in the country' s. Central America, entered the United States by the Mexican border, illegally or by applying for asylum

They were arrested and prosecuted en mbade, while the children were sent to shelters 19659013] The policy has sparked a wave of convictions inside and outside the United States, forcing Trump to end it after six weeks and open a slow process of reunification.

Si Justice Sabraw believes that the government has not respected, probably ask the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to recommend a sanction.This was the case on July 10 when the administration did not comply. did not respect the deadline for meeting r children under 5 with their families: 45 of them were considered "ineligible".

"We want to offer faster solutions than ever before. "Lee Gelernt, ACLU attorney at a conference call with reporters

Among the ACLU's demands, the request for a seven-day period since reunification is underlined so that families can discuss their situation. next step: they fight for asylum, if the adult leaves and the child stays, or if both agree to be deported. For government lawyers, this seven-day period is unjustified, stating that they have had enough time to consider their options while in detention.

The United States Association of Migrant Lawyers (AILA) urged the government to: provide what is needed "for the return of the more than 400 deported parents without their children."

But locating parents who have been deported to Mexico or Central America will be a long and complicated task.

For Tuesday – Prior to the release of the latest figures, the Department of Health and Social Services has identified 11,500 children clbadified as unaccompanied foreign minors in shelters across the country.

ability to inform states

The US government does not have the technical capacity to provide states with timely information about children separated from their families. Adres on the border in the middle of the "zero tolerance" policy of President Donald Trump. More than a dozen states have asked the federal government for lists of children separated from their parents, their whereabouts, information provided by parents and reunification projects. The government said in court appearances Friday that attempts to collect data to comply with state demands would divert it from efforts to reunite families. Jonathan White of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a paper that the government should conduct a manual review to identify all separated children in each requesting state. There is no automatic way to create a list of minors separated by state or institution, he said. REUTERS

Africans saved in the Mediterranean

Some 670 people were saved yesterday Friday as they tried to reach the Spanish shores from Africa, most across the Strait of Gibraltar, in an exceptional day because of the high number of rescues, according to Salvage Maritime.

In several rescue operations involving boats and a helicopter, 627 people were collected from 35 ships in the Strait of Gibraltar, while 31 others were rescued in the waters of the province of Alicante and 11 to Almeria, on the Mediterranean coast.

The western Mediterranean route, which leaves from North Africa towards the Iberian Peninsula, has become the busiest for migrants this year, after the government. Italian decided to close its ports to save the boats. According to data from the International Organization for Migration, between 18 January and 18 July 18,653 migrants arrived by sea in Spain in front of 17,838 refugees in Italy.

More than 600 migrants reached Spanish territory Thursday Cross the barrier that marks the border between Morocco and the Spanish city of Ceuta in North Africa.

At least 1,500 migrants died in 2018 trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, according to data from the UN migration agency

The Spanish government acknowledged this week that the facilities of the Reception for illegal immigrants was "submerged" by the continued arrival of the southern coast of Morocco to the southern coast

. Magdalena Valerio said that this situation had existed for a long time, before the socialists began to govern, at the beginning of last June. "When the measures are not taken in time, then you must adopt them in case of emergency," he warned in reference to the former conservative leader of Mariano Rajoy. REUTERS, EFE


Body in the desert devoured by the vultures

A forensic investigation conducted with bodies of dead pigs placed in the fears of the Arizona desert, by the speed with which they "disappear" "We are sure that there are many more people who died in the desert and that we will never find their bodies," Jason told EFE. Leon, anthropologist and director of the Undocumented Migration Project (UMP) of the University of Michigan

De León leads a team of researchers who since 2012 has conducted three experiments in the summer in the desert of Arizona to know what is happening with immigrants who die in the pbadage through these dangerous and arid territories.

For this, they use pig bodies because of their similarity to those of humans.

In the official figures of the Border Patrol, between 1998 and 2017, the death of 7,216 undocumented migrants was reported along the border with Mexico, including 2,726 in the Tucson area, on the border with the United States. # 39; Arizona.

The experiments with pigs, the last of which ended in early July, "demonstrate that the environment and animals can quickly destroy a body, in less than three or four days, so I think we will never have a complete number of (immigrants) killed in the desert, "said De León

Some of the swine bodies used for this survey are dressed in clothes similar to those usually worn by immigrants

. what happened to the bodies by means of video cameras, photographs and images captured by drones from the air.

Up to now, they have concluded that the animals the damage they cause are vultures, which can devour and disrupt the body of a pig in less than 36 hours, but there are also videos showing how ants and other insects kill bones.

"The desert cleans up all the dirty work of the government, there is no evidence, the bodies simply disappear and that is why, through these experiences, we try to show the public what is going on pbades, "said De Leon EFE

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