USA UU withdraws visas from 25 Nicaraguan officials • El Nuevo Diario


In the last seven months, the United States has applied financial penalties to four officials of the State of Nicaragua through the Magnitsky Global Law and 21 other officials have revoked visas to enter the country. US territory. Wednesday, Deputy Under-Secretary at the State Department's Western Affairs Bureau, Kenneth Merten, during a hearing at the US House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee

"We revoked 21 visas for the officials. or officials who have been responsible for this stuff, "said Merten, referring to human rights abuses and corruption.

He added that "the administration of President Donald Trump continues to use such sanctions.

On June 7 and 28, the State Department The United States indicated that they had revoked the visa of entry into their country to Nicaraguan officials, without revealing the name or the number of penalties. They only said that these belonged to the municipalities, the National Police and the Ministry of Health.

The four other officials sanctioned by the Magnitsky Global Law are Roberto Rivas, in December 2017, for acts of corruption at the head of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE); and last week Francisco López, until this Tuesday President of Petronic; Francisco Díaz, Deputy Director of the National Police, and Fidel Moreno, Secretary General of the Office of the Mayor of Managua, accused of human rights violations and corruption.


Merten's statements took place during a hearing between MPs and US government officials, on the Trump administration's efforts to promote its interests in the Western Hemisphere .

The situation in Nicaragua was discussed by other members of Congress, including the Speaker of the Foreign Relations Committee of the House of Representatives, Ed. Royce, Eliot Engel, Albio Sires and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Sires argued that the US government "must put some kind of pressure on these countries (Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba), to make them understand that they can not pbad people."


During the hearing, Assistant to the Deputy Director of the Office of Latin America and the Caribbean of USAID, Sarah-Anne Lynch, mentioned that this agency provided early badistance to civil society groups, human rights organizations, independent media and other parties involved in peaceful protests


The Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Relations has convened a new hearing to resolve the crisis in Nicaragua, which will take place this Thursday at noon Managua

[19659002] The Permanent Representative of the United States to the OAS, Carlos Trujillo, will be present at this hearing; the chief responsible for the Office of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Department of the State, Michael Kozac, and the Associate Associate Administrator of Usaid, Barbara Feinstein.

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