Vaccination against influenza begins in 46 health centers in our city


Starting today, those who constitute the groups at risk, the free dose can be applied. They also give the vaccine against pneumonia

Since today, municipal health centers have joined the 2019 influenza vaccination campaign. The province of Buenos Aires began its campaign last Wednesday.

As reported in the commune, the local campaign will run as part of the national flu vaccination operation.

The vaccine will be available free of charge in the 46 primary health care centers (CAPS) and in the city's vaccination center for all those who have indicated it.

As soon as the cold comes, the Ministry of Health of the municipality urges all groups at risk to place vaccines against influenza and pneumonia, which will be available for free from Monday.

In this sense, Analía Mykietiuk, director of the epidemiology of the municipality, said that "it is important that the population at risk be vaccinated because with the winter, in addition to low temperatures and days short, new diseases, mainly respiratory, appear, which can affect grandparents and grandchildren ".

He explained: "Both injections are safe and can be administered at the same time, but in different arms, together they provide better protection against pneumonia and other diseases requiring hospitalization."

Those wishing to know which of the 46 CAPS of the municipality is the closest can consult via the link

In addition, the municipality reminded that the permanent vaccination of the street 55 between 18 and 19 will be available, where it will be attended without advance shift from 8 to 16, from Monday to Friday.

Who should be vaccinated each year?

• personal health

• Pregnant women (can receive it in any trimester of pregnancy)

• Children and youth aged 6 to 24, including risk factors, such as chronic cardiorespiratory or renal diseases, immunosuppression, diabetes, and obesity.

• All people from 65 years old

From the Municipality also indicate that the defenses produced by the vaccine are generated between 10 and 15 days after application. It is therefore suggested to the neighbors to apply the vaccines as quickly as possible.

Influenza is a viral respiratory illness that usually occurs during the coldest months of the year. Like other respiratory infections, it is spread by the contact of the secretions of infected persons through droplets that spread by coughing or sneezing and surfaces or objects contaminated by these secretions.

This disease is manifested by fever over 38 ° C, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, muscle and discomfort. In children, breathing problems, vomiting or diarrhea, irritability or drowsiness may also occur.

The symptoms of the flu usually appear within 48 hours of infection.

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