Van Juarenses boxers for the final


Already with the bronze medal badured, boxers Juarez, Rogelio Romero Torres and Germán Heredia Orrantia are getting up this day in the ring to continue in the fight for gold at the Central American Games and the Caribbean 2018, taking place in Barranquilla, Colombia

Romero tied up the bronze to win a categorical victory, in the fight of his presentation, against José María Virula López, competitor of Guatemala.

This comfortable victory in the score place Rogelio in the semifinals, in the light heavyweight division, 81 kilograms.

Today, at 15:15 in the afternoon, the time of Ciudad Juárez; the pbad for the grand final will be played against Osmar Bravo Amador of Nicaragua, who in the quarterfinals won 3-2 against Luis Manuel Georges of the Dominican Republic.

In the other semifinal, the favorite Julio Caesar La Cruz, of Cuba, Diego Motoa Carabaldi of Colombia is facing.

The final is scheduled for Thursday, August 2 at 6:45 am in the afternoon.

Today, the other boxer Juarez who is in Colombia, Germán Heredia, will face Raynery Vargas Pimentel of the Dominican Republic in the semifinals of the super-heavyweight division, +91 kilos.

Heredia took leave on the first day and will be until this Sunday when he will debut at the Central America Fair In the other semifinal, José Ángel Larduet, of Cuba, and Paul Nigel, Trinidad and Tobago, will face it.

Rogelio and Germán got their ticket for the Central American Games at the qualifying tournament at the Tijuana High Performance Center, Baja California

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