Vandalism in Holguín affects the services of ETECSA


Five acts of vandalism recorded in several municipalities of Holguín caused damage to state-owned telecommunications company ETECSA between the months of January and June, reported the local newspaper Ahora Saturday.

According to the aforementioned newspaper, they saw the public telephony services concerned, as well as the outside factory in the chief town and in the municipalities of Moa and Mayarí. The note did not specify what types of events were being performed, nor the extent of the damage.

The authorities of ETECSA on the territory called to "comply with the measures of to prevent such desacatos ", how to locate telephone equipment in secure areas, the signing of the minutes of the intention to engage neighbors and institutions with the protection of the media and to conduct discussions in areas subject to the execution of such acts.

The territorial division of the company Holguín closed the first semester of 2018 with exceptional economic results, since the revenues exceed 52 million pesos. However, the company "is not satisfied with what has been achieved," said Luis Arnolis Reyes Ramírez, territorial director.

In the final review of the stage, Reyes urged to improve customer service, optimize the use of all types of resources, increase the demand for manpower and discipline technology and be precise in setting priorities for resolving contingencies, "given the material limitations they face, such as the decapitalization of transport."

Activated more than 54 thousand mobile lines, opened new rooms for navigation and wifi areas and reached about 3,000 households with fast internet access lines (ADSL), he stressed.

For this second half of 2018 the entity plans the opening of the Internet service in mobile phones continuing the marketing of the service Nauta Hogar where it already exists and the beginner in the municipalities by Urbano Noris, Frank País, Cacocum and Calixto García.

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