Velcro wallet: the trend of the 90s that could come back and no one expected it


If there is one thing we all have in mind, it is that all that celebrities use Hollywood ends up becoming a trend. Kim Kardashian is one of the most risky when it comes to dress, and now to confine it with the new accessory that she put on.

  Velcro Wallet: the trend of the 90s that could return and no one expected - Image

If the return of the packs of bankers you seemed crazy, but after a short time you started again at the # To use, we badume that you will also be caught up in this trend that is trying to impose the media. It is almost impossible to forget our first wallets, which had Velcro and were of this black cloth, we thought that they had been buried in the past, until Kim wears one attached to the neck, as an accessory.

  Velcro wallet: the trend of the 90s that could come back and no one expected - Imagen 1 "srcset =" com / 2018/07 / kim .jpg 634w, 137w, https: // resizer. // 248w "sizes =" (max-width: 634px) 100vw, 634px

The clothes you have chosen for the look is somewhat controversial. impossible to imitate if you have a normal life, but we would not be surprised to see everyone wear a black cord holding his old handbag in no time. She was one of the forerunners of everyday bike shorts fashion, so we would not be surprised if she continued to add more looks with accessories or vintage clothes.

  Velcro wallet: the trend of the 90s that could come back and no one expected - Image 2 "srcset =" com / 2018/07 / billeteraaa.jpg 1500w, https: // resizer. 295w, /07/billeteraaa-533x400.jpg 533w "sizes =" (max-width: 803px) 100vw, 803px

We are seeing, more and more, casual and functional clothes beating super chic clothes on the day of the famous. We have to wait until our summer, to see if all these fashions come to our lives, including the necklace wallet.

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19 February 2018

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