Venezuela commemorates the 235th anniversary of Simón Bolívar's birth | news


The Venezuelan government held Tuesday the traditional hoisting of the national flag to begin the events in the honor of Libertador Simón Bolívar in 235 years of his birth . National Pantheon and Mausoleum of the Liberator, in Caracas, where his remains rest. In addition, the event commemorated the 1959-year naval battle of Lake Maracaibo that sealed the independence of Venezuela.

The ceremony was presided by the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, holder of Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Néstor Reverol, among others members of the Executive Cabinet and the Military High Command.

Law in the honor of the Liberator at the National Pantheon. | Source: AVN

Also in the Venezuelan Plaza of Caracas and in the birthplace of the Liberator are celebrated Tuesday in the celebration of the birth of Bolivar.

For his part, President Nicolás Maduro made tribute to Simón Bolívar on social networks and stressed the universality of his legacy of independence.

We commemorated 235 years of the birth of our Father of the Nation, Simón Bolívar; giant of all times, universal reference of the union and integration of peoples. Today, his sons and daughters, worthy of Bolivia, continue on their path to permanent independence.

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) July 24, 2018


In addition, the president pointed out the feat of the naval battle of Lake Maracaibo, in his 195th birthday. "As part of this historic victory, we celebrated the @ArmadaFANB Day, Men and Women who defend and protect our maritime sovereignty Congratulations!"

Other government officials, such as the Vice President of International Affairs of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv), Adam Chávez, also paid tribute to the libertarian act of Bolivar 235 years from birth.

>> Nicolás Maduro congratulates teleSUR for its 13th anniversary

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