Venezuela strengthens diplomatic and economic ties with Turkey | news


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro met on Tuesday Istanbul, Turkey with entrepreneurs from that country, with intention to foster cooperative relations between the two nations

"We have brought a comprehensive document of all investment opportunities, it is the first scenario where Venezuela presents a detailed investment proposal," said President Maduro at a meeting of the "Turkey-Venezuela Business Forum", Extraordinary Forum, organized by the Turkish organization of foreign economic relations DEIK.

#EnVivo | Nicolás Maduro: "It was a very important opportunity to continue to strengthen political ties, diplomatic relations and, above all, human ties, in order to continue deepening relations of trust, closeness and fraternity" pic.twitter. com / wbCRbmn8Ef

– teleSUR TV (@teleSURtv) July 10, 2018

The Venezuelan President went to Turkey last Sunday to attend the inauguration of his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan . 19659002] In this way, the Venezuelan head of state congratulated Erdogan for the renewal of his position, and advanced to those attending the ceremony the intentions of Venezuela to continue to strengthen trade and diplomatic relations.

In what could be the world's first gold reserve, we are investing to become a gold-exporting power, "said President Maduro.

The president also pointed out the men of Turkish business on the creation of cryptocurrency a mechanism to escape the financial blockade suffered by the country by international law.

Petro, equivalent to five thousand barrels of oil, we will create it for to open a new stage in Venezuela, "he said.

The two countries signed agreements in different areas, including economic cooperation, and Maduro was one of the first states in congratulating Erdogan for his triumph in the elections held two weeks ago.

>> Turkish businessmen plan to invest in Venezuela

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