Venezuela takes aggression and external sanctions with dignity, they say


July 12, 2018, 16:51 Caracas, July 12 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan people badumes with courage and dignity its anti-imperialist character in the face of international aggression and sanctions "affecting the country". -he says. Vice-President of Political Sovereignty, Vladimir Padrino

"In Venezuela, we badume with courage and dignity, with an anti-imperialist character, with a real Bolivarian and popular character, the aggressions of the United States Government and its allies of the Venezuelan right. We take up the challenge as true patriots, "said Padrino at the commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the Bolivian National Armed Forces Air Training Center (FANB).

He stressed that the conditions of the diplomatic siege in the east is the nation, after the economic, financial and military blockade, favored by sectors of international law.

The defense minister also urged the FANB and its various components to ratify the country. commitment to defend the homeland and guarantee the peace of the people, with the preparation of the young people.

He also indicated that 31 officers from different training groups of the Bolivarian military aviation received the Des badges wings, which qualify him as new pilots of the FANB, to badume "with pride this task of flying in defense of the sovereign sky", emphasized.

& # 39; The country demands of this brave youth, that they profit from the flight to see the greatness of the country, to raise its patriotic spirit, to be every day more Bolivarian, to defend our sovereign heaven and raise us spiritually ", said Padrino

The Minister of Defense repudiated the sectors of the Venezuelan right. foreign intervention, with the aim of overthrowing the legitimate government of the president, Nicolás Maduro, promoted by the American authorities.

we identify our true enemy; there are puppets that are manipulated from other latitudes and that do a lot of damage to the homeland by calling for intervention and interference, "he said.

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