Venezuelan brut settled this week at 456.76 yuan per barrel


[N .- The Petróleo Ministry reported on Friday that the country's oil basket averaged 456.76 yuan a barrel this week, an amount that represents a loss of 4, 79 yuan from the 461.76 7 recorded last week

With a base exchange rate of 6.6442 yuan per dollar, the basket averaged 68, $ 74 a barrel.

In 2018, the Venezuelan basket maintained an average of 400.10 yuan per barrel and in July, it averaged 459.16 yuan.

With regard to the reference basket of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), it recorded a reduction of 72 cents and closed at 74.52 dollars this week.

The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI), benchmark in the United States, fell from 73.86 to 72.49 dollars, while Brent European rose from $ 77.98 to $ 76.38, according to the magazine AVN.

The price of CR The United States declined this week due to escalating trade tensions between the United States and China, which threatens to affect the energy demand of the Asian nation.

The Donald Trump government threat to apply more tariffs on a new list of Chinese goods worth $ 200 billion had a negative impact on the commodity and stock markets .

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