Violent clashes in the West Bank against the Israeli army


Israeli security forces and protesters clashed Wednesday in a Bedouin village in the occupied West Bank that Israel announced it would destroy imminently, said the AFP

Photo: AFP

The Israeli army presented Tuesday an eviction order to the residents of Jan al Ahmar, announcing the closure of the access roads to this town of 173 inhabitants, according to B & # 39; Tselem, an Israeli NGO. which opposes the occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Jan al Ahmar is located east of Jerusalem, on the road to the Dead Sea and near several Israeli settlements.

Heavy equipment was deployed Wednesday, including a steamroller, around the city, which motivated protesters to throw stones before the clashes with the forces of Israeli security does not begin

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Preparations for the destruction of the site were made this morning and several people were arrested while they were protesting peacefully by blocking a steamroller, Amit Gilutz, spokesperson for B & # Tselem , said in a statement

were injured and four of them were hospitalized, according to the Palestinian Red Cross.

Photo: AFP

According to Israeli authorities, the city was built illegally and the Supreme Court rejected in May the residents' appeal against the demolition.

Residents and activists in B & Tselem stress for their part that it is virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits from Israeli authorities in this area of ​​the West Bank.

Israeli authorities have proposed to locals to move to another area of ​​the region.

The Israeli army had not reacted this Wednesday. 19659017] Photo: AFP

Security forces also destroyed housing and agricultural structures in the neighboring Bedouin village of Abu Nuwar, leaving 62 people homeless according to B & # Tselem.

According to the organization, the continuation of construction in the Israeli settlements east of Jerusalem could lead to a division between the north and the south of the West Bank, territory occupied by Israel for more than 50 years.

"The locals did not use the procedures they offered them, even though they knew that if they did not do so, the illegal constructions would be destroyed," said the reporter. Israeli organization in charge of civil affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In this note:

  • Demolished population
  • West Bank
  • Demonstrations against Israel
  • 30 wounded
  • Bedouin village

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