Vladimir Putin announced a profit for fans who traveled to Russia during the Cup – 07/15/2018


With the end of the World Cup, Vladimir Putin announced benefits for foreigners who visited his country during the tournament.

who pbaded ID Fan, a document that allowed to travel to Russia without a visa during the 2018 World Cup, will not need the Russian visa for the rest of the year, as announced by the Russian President himself.

" Foreign supporters who currently have their Fan Fan will be able to benefit from several entries in the Russian Federation without a visa until the end of the year. year "said Putin quoted by Russian news agencies, after attending the final in which France was proclaimed world champion against Croatia.

Instead of a common visa, Russia had established for the tournament a "Fan-ID", mandatory to enter the stadiums by identifying each of the fans with accreditation . The president congratulated foreign fans and thanked them for their behavior during the tournament

Putin said that before the world cup that the English "hooligans" could cause altercations. " Everyone behaved fantastically ," he tells the Interfax news agency