With everything and photo: Marc Anthony remembers moving his mother's sad birthday


In the eyes of the world, Marc Anthony is a charismatic musical idol, but at that moment he carries the procession inside, since it was just one year after death of his mother, dona Guillermina Quiñones a loss that the singer does not recover completely .

The birthday then arrives Marco Antonio Muñiz (his real name, which was put by his parents, originally from Guayama, Puerto Rico, in honor of the famous Mexican singer [19659003]) recording what will be his new record production and reports, People, that the singer ] posthumous tribute in full recording studio.

It was the first representation of Marc Anthony after the death of his mother


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In his Instagram profile, the ex-husband of Jennifer Lopez Daya nara Torres and Shannon of Lima published some images that reflect his desolation at the loss of his progenitor but also shows how he managed to draw strength and inspiration who at the bottom of the picture, he says comes from his particular angel of "where he is."

" After three o'clock in the morning voices for ten songs in one day with my angel as a guide", he wrote next to an image where he is concentrated in the studio [19659010] <iframe srcdoc = "

Past 3am … singing for 10 songs in one day with the advice of my angel

A publication shared by Marc Anthony (@marcanthony) on

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" Find inspiration in the studio honoring my mother with music and light yesterday at the first birthday (of his death) I miss you mom, "he concluded.

After the publication, his fans wanted to show his solidarity and support in these delicate moments with beautiful words: " She's here with you ", "It's very moving, the feeling is always inside, "" You'll see it so inspired by it, it'll be an unforgettable album "," You're the best "," Encourage my skinny, your heavenly mom takes care of you "

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