Without fatal victims, fire on Oncológico de La Habana


The fire that occurred Tuesday afternoon at the National Institute of Oncology and Radiography (INOR) did not cause death or major damage, said Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda, Vice President of the State Council and Head of Public Health.

Salvador Valdes Mesa, member of the Political Bureau of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP) and First Vice President of State Councils and Ministers, visited the scene of the incident.

In statements to local media Morales Ojeda, also a member of the Political Bureau, baderted that thanks to the rapid action of the capital 's firefighters and other law enforcement forces, he did not go to court. There have been no casualties and the effects on the material order are not serious. the patients were resettled in other areas of the same INOR and in other facilities such as the Comandante Manuel Fajardo Hospital and the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery.

According to the Minister, it is presumed that the fire came from a waste treatment plant.

Morales Ojeda baderted that work will be done in the recovery, with a view to establishing the institution even better than the At the time of the facts

ACN reporters deployed to the scene have expressed the gratitude of patients, relatives and neighbors, to the authorities responsible for extinguishing the flames and organizing the evacuation, for their prompt and careful response.

Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, first secretary of the CPC in the capital, also appeared on the site

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