Yaguajay in 26 | Radio Sancti Spíritus Radio Sancti Spíritus


  People with the Cuban flag

Beyond hurricanes and hardships, the Yagujayenses have grown because of the development of their municipality, province and country.

The municipality of Yaguajay in the province of Sancti Spíritus celebrated on Sunday the provincial act for the 65th anniversary of the badault on the Moncada Barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes for the comprehensive results in the sectors of the socio-economic and political life.

In the law by the anniversary moncadista the party card was distributed and the Union of Young Communists to those who join the ranks of both organizations, and organizations recognized in the recovery after the 39 Irma's impact.

Party Central Committee member, José Ramón Monteagudo Ruiz received the Serafín Sánchez Machete Replica, the highest prize awarded by the Provincial Assembly of the People's Power of Sancti Spíritus, by the President of the erno Gobi in the province, Teresita Romero Rodríguez.

The Party's first secretary in the province of Sancti Spíritus Deivy Pérez Martín, in the central words of July 26 in Yaguajay said that we are maintaining the challenges imposed by the reality and the effects of meteors that have touched us .

The territory of Yaguajay was worthy of the provincial seat on July 26 because of the great efforts made during the recovery phase, after the pbadage of Hurricane Irma and the movement. constructively developed by the people, which allowed the restoration of the majority of state facilities and the solution of 70% of housing allocations.

Yaguajay keeps infant and maternal mortality rates at zero, and achieves lasting results in the epidemiological hygiene program with more than 5 years without disease transmission.

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