Young men pay tribute to Moncada attackers



Havana, July 21 (ACN) The Union of Young Communists (UJC) paid tribute today to the fighters of the Moncada barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the actions of July 26, 1953.

At the moving meeting, the Moncadists emphasized the importance of the approach to history for younger generations and spoke of the need to use the school as the main center of the community for this purpose.

In statements to the Cuban News Agency, Ernesto González Campos, participant in the July 26 actions in Santiago de Cuba, badured that the best tribute can make that the youth of the island continues to to fight for Fidel's ideas and the principles of the revolution.

He commented that the new generations, thanks to the transformations of the process started on January 1, 1959, are much better repaired, "they must therefore be stronger and stronger than us" and can not betray the historical memory.

In this sense, Ramón Pez Ferro, a fighter from Moncada, spoke of the importance of young people's knowledge. the history and details of events such as those that took place on July 26, 1953, so that they know where they are coming from.

He argued that if this is sufficiently developed in schools and universities, it does not happen the same way. González Campos went a step further, and said that the teaching of history should be started from the cradle, from the cradle, from the work and other spaces that are part of the everyday life. the house, "because the freedom we enjoy today has not been given to us by anyone, it costs a lot of blood, and that can not be forgotten."

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