Cuomo: Nearly 50 New York lawmakers call on governor to resign or be impeached


One of New York’s most powerful Democratic lawmakers on Sunday issued a statement calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has been trapped by two major scandals, to step down.

Cuomo faces multiple allegations of sexual harassment and a federal inquiry into his administration’s tally into nursing home-related COVID-19 deaths.

State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, a Democrat from Yonkers, said in a statement that the allegations “were out of government business.”


“New York is still at the heart of the pandemic and still faces its societal, health and economic impacts [the virus]”She said.” We must rule without daily distraction. For the good of the state, Governor Cuomo must resign. “

The Associated Press, citing an anonymous source, reported that Cuomo had a brief phone conversation with Stewart-Cousins ​​and told him that he would not resign and that if they wanted him to resign, they should. remove.

Since Stewart-Cousins’ statement, more state lawmakers have stepped forward and are calling for his resignation.

According to a Fox News tally, a total of 37 lawmakers in the state Assembly or Senate want him to step down, and 10 have called for impeachment.

To remove the incumbent governor, the assembly needs a majority vote in the 150-member body, and the state Senate – where there would be a conviction – would need a two-thirds majority members of the court which would include both senators and state appeals court judges.

Cuomo has categorically denied some of the allegations made against him and his office has denied changing the tally of nursing home deaths.


State officials now estimate that more than 15,000 residents of New York City’s nursing homes and long-term care facilities may have died from the coronavirus – a number much higher than the estimate of 6,400 that officials of the State have previously reported, according to an article published Thursday night by The Wall Street Journal.

Cuomo has already been embraced by many media outlets and has been seen as the moderate Democrat who may one day be the party’s presidential candidate.

The Guardian’s progressive columnist David Sirota has claimed that waiting until “the harassment is investigated” would ignore what he called “the other great Cuomo scandal.”

Cuomo is set to face arraignment and calls to resign because 15,000 people have died in nursing homes as he helped his donor protect nursing home executives from legal consequences and not not disclose victim data, “Sirota tweeted Wednesday.

Lindsey Boylan, one of Cuomo’s accusers, took to Twitter on Saturday after another woman stepped forward and posted: “Resign disgusting monster.”

Fox News’ Brie Stimson, Remy Numa and Associated Press contributed to this report.


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