CW's Batwoman television series receives first poster and trailer


The CW has released the first trailer and poster for its latest DC superhero series Batwoman Ruby Rose retaking her role as Kate Kane after her debut in last year's Arrowverse Crossover event "Elseworlds"; look at them here …




Kate Kane never planned to be Gotham's new vigilante. Three years after the mysterious disappearance of Batman, Gotham is a desperate city. Without the Crusader Cloak, the Gotham City Police Department was invaded by criminal gangs and over it. Enter Jacob Kane and his military-level Crows Private Security, which now protects the city with firepower and ubiquitous militias. Years before, Jacob's first wife and first daughter had been killed in the crossfire of Gotham's crime. He sent his surviving daughter, Kate Kane, away from Gotham for his safety.

After a dishonorable outing from a military school and years of brutal survival training, Kate returns home when the Alice in Wonderland gang targets her father and her security company by removing his best officer Crow, Sophie Moore. Although remarried with the rich sociality Catherine Hamilton-Kane, who funds the Crows, Jacob still struggles with the family that he lost while keeping Kate – the girl he's still – at a distance. But Kate is a woman who has finished asking for permission. In order to help her family and her city, she will have to become the only thing her father hates: a dark activist.

Batwoman the first on the CW this fall and sees Ruby Rose join the cast of Dougary Scott (Mission: Impossible 2) like Kate Kane, Kate's father, Elizabeth Anweis (Double pics) as her stepmother Catherine Hamilton-Kane, Meagan Tandy (Teen Wolf) as a love interest Sophie Moore, Nicole Kang (You) like Kate's half-sister, Mary Hamilton, Camrus Johnson (Luke Cage) as Luke Fox, Batwing and Rachel Skarsten (Lost girl) as Alice, the leader of the evil Gonderland Gang.



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