Cyberpunk 2077: 53 Game Details We Love



Back on what we know to expect from the sci-fi epic of CDPR.

By Aiden Strawhun and Jon Ryan

As E3 is fast approaching and we all look forward to a fresh look at CD Project Red's next sci-fi epic, we have re-entered our coverage to extract the coolest information we've ever known. 'now.

Here are 53 facts and details on the gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077.


Worried, the Cyberpunk 2077 should arrive in 2077? Do not worry, it is for the current generation of consoles.


Thought it was a new epic sci-fi? Cyberpunk 2077 finds its roots in the 1990, Cyberpunk 2020 board game.


Cyberpunk 2077 was built on a completely new CDProjekt Red engine, REDengine4.

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<p>The Cyberpunk 2077 takes place in 2077 in the fictional city of Night City, California, somewhere between Los Angeles and San Francisco.</p>
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<p>The members of Cyberpunk 2077 might even no longer be considered "humans" because they are obsessed with the increase.</p>
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The dystopic setting of Cyberpunk 2077 takes place in another scenario than ours.


Its currency is the euro-dollar or "Eddie"


Vending machines distribute a variety of food products, such as this diet-boosting soda.


Other … less legal substances may be used for similar purposes


The Trauma Team is an elite group of paramedics trained in combat, ready to heal or revive – if you have the E $ s to pay for them.


Dex here is a repairman – repairers are Night City rollers and dealers, and can go from low-level street informants to high-ranking crime bosses like him.


If you thought your local subway system was difficult, the Cyberpunk 2077 subway map is a nightmare.


All the demo of E3 2018 took place in the area called Watson, to give you an idea of ​​the actual size of Night City.


Although there are flying cars in Night City, you will not be able to fly them (to our knowledge)


This car belongs to your friend Jackie, but you can probably buy one too.


What would a futuristic adventure be without a high-octane vehicle fight? Cyberpunk 2077 will have its fair share.


Players can shoot from the driver's seat or ask their AI companions to "take the wheel" to allow them to aim better.


CDPR level designer Miles Tost says the game is experimenting with completely destructible environments.


Environments also have interactive objects that can be used in combat, such as dropping this raised car to create a cover.

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<p>Cyberpunk 2077 is focused on its intense solo campaign.</p>
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The multiplayer mode will not be available at launch, but it is planned and will not be just round after the round of the match to the death.


While playing in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, the conversations will be "continuous". The game and the cutscenes will be almost identical – and the NPCs can be interrupted by the world.


True to Cyberpunk 2020, the characters in Cyberpunk 2077 will have many customization options.


This includes detailed choices about your journey, from your childhood hero to why you came to Night City.


Statistics include classic RPG stats such as Force, Constitution, Reflex and Intelligence, as well as those focused on Cyberpunk, Tech and Cool.


COOL in the PnP RPG determined your ability to remain calm in a fight, but in 2077, its influence on the influence of your character on the world around him.


No matter what your personal style is, the world around you will respond to your appearance.


The clothes you wear will affect your Street Cred, which will help determine your notoriety and the type of jobs and activities available.


Your inventory will also affect your physical stats, including damage resistance and combat skill.


You can inspect items in your inventory to find out more information about them.


Your character will not be limited to a specific class, but you will choose the skills of one of the three thematic pools.


The Netrunner: Experienced and experienced night city hackers.


The technician: This class is for craft lovers.


The solo: Lone Wolf? This is the class of Cyberpunk Mercenaries 2077.


Cyberpunk 2077 will of course have many companions, including potential romantic partners.


Who V tries to create a romantic relationship is yours, the player. Some characters will be more receptive to this depending on your choices when creating the character.


NPCs you meet along the way will not only guide you to the missions, but will also follow you. Everyone will have their own courses and skills.


The FPS perspective of the game was chosen to fully immerse players in the world, according to the developers.


The HUD features standard details like ammo and health, but only appears when you upgrade your body with the cybertopics needed to see it.


It also shows character levels, enemy health bars, and hit damage.


Some upgrades allow passive bonuses, such as finding weak spots or unlocking access to new weapons


Other skills offer more active bonuses, such as Kalashnikov's ability to hyper-focus your combat consciousness to effectively slow down time.


The weapons can also be customized, with different upgrades of parts and ammo.


One of the weapon modules is to see how the bullets will ricochet and hit the enemies hidden behind.


Another targeting module allows the player to see the enemies behind the walls.


Some weapons have several shooting modes, such as this Tech shotgun that fires penetrating bullets or a recharged charge.


Missions and activities can all be completed in different ways depending on your preferences as a player.


This can mean coming out of a bad situation …


Or opt for the use of non-lethal takedowns on your enemies.


Engineering, among other skills, can also help players find a variety of ways to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles.


Hacking enemies can reveal information about enemy hiding places and prevent enemies from firing at you.


No matter how you choose to tackle an obstacle (or how wrong you might be), 2077 will respond to the way you play. There is no "Game Over" failure condition (unless you are covered in ice and you can not afford the Trauma team).


In fact, in our demo of GamesCom, we found a completely different result from this mission based on the choices V made during this one.

Aiden Strawhun suspects that they were born secretly as the next Sailor Scout, but they will just write about the games and animes until their time has come. Catch them by winning the love, fighting the evil and always sobbing @AStraww Twitter.

JR is editor-in-chief at IGN and is very fond of role-playing games. When he does not roll the dice with his party, you can usually find him in a critical situation. on Twitter.


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