Cyberpunk 2077 Day One Patch Size Revealed


A YouTube content creator who has access to Cyberpunk 2077 early for review confirms the file size of the game’s Day 1 patch.

Cyberpunk 2077 is only about a week away and fans are incredibly excited to finally get their hands on the game. Anticipation for Cyberpunk 2077 was built for years and years after the game’s many delays, making it without a doubt one of the biggest new additions to the game for December 2020.

However, as with almost all major releases of AAA today, players will not be able to enter. Cyberpunk 2077 as soon as they have finished installing the game. Cyberpunk 2077 is going to have a big patch day on release day, but now players know how big a patch day actually will be.

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Day 1 fixes are incredibly common with games on all consoles. Games like Ghost of Tsushima, Borderlands 3, and Marvel’s Avengers all had fixes from day one before release. The day one fixes allow developers to finalize a game until its official release, although the game is already gold and in the hands of gamers. Unfortunately, day one fixes can be absolutely huge in size and can take a while to download.

Naturally, CD Projekt Red has a day one patch in store for Cyberpunk 2077, and it seems to be quite heavy. Thanks to content creator DreamCastGuy on Twitter, gamers now know that Cyberpunk 2077The size of the Day 1 patch will be 43.5 GB, at least on Xbox One. Earlier this year, fans were surprised by Cyberpunk 2077the file size, being only 70 GB. Unfortunately, on this day, a patch seems to add quite a bit of data on a rather heavy game.

Of course, Cyberpunk 2077The file size will not be larger until after posting. CD Projekt Red has already announced plans for Cyberpunk 2077 DLC and expansions, which will undoubtedly add to the file size of the game. Still, fans have plenty of time to free up space, as we have no idea what Cyberpunk 2077Post-launch content will look like this day. It’s also worth mentioning that while it’s still unclear what exactly the Day 1 patch looks like for other platforms, it’s at least likely that the Day 1 patch for the PS4 version will look roughly the same. size than that of the Xbox One.

However, as more content creators and outlets receive review copies, gamers could also find out about the Day 1 patch sizes of the other platform. Unfortunately, those who plan to broadcast Cyberpunk 2077 early should rethink these plans. CD Projekt Red has already taken a step ahead of content creators and made it clear that there will be consequences for streamers who show Cyberpunk 2077 early. Yet the wait for Cyberpunk 2077 is almost complete, although it looks like fans will really have to wait until December 10 to finally get to see all that Night City has to offer.

Cyberpunk 2077 is slated to launch on December 10, 2020 for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with both PS5 and Xbox Series X / S versions currently in development.

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