Cyberpunk 2077 Drops Male / Female Options in Character Creator for Better Inclusion


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CD Projekt Red had to face some criticism for its genre portrayal in Cyberpunk 2077, the studio's next action RPG. However, the developer is eager to respond to fan comments and create a more inclusive experience, starting with the character's creator.

"You know, we really want to create a really inclusive video game," said Marthe Jonkers, a senior concept artist, in an interview with Metro. "Of course, if you talk about certain things, you expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect it, and it's good for people to comment on it, and our character creation menu, by example, compared to the last demo we have now for example, you no longer choose your gender, you do not choose "I want to be a female or male character", you now choose a body type, because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. "

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After selecting your favorite body type, you then have the option to give your character one of two different voices. "The one who rings male, the other is female," said Jonkers. "You can mix and match, you can simply connect them as you wish, and we have lots of skin tones, tattoos and hairstyles, so we really want to give people the freedom to create their own. character and play the they want to play. "

CD Projekt Red hopes that more players will be able to create the type of protagonist they want in Cyberpunk 2077. Most NPCs you will meet will also have an established focus on gender and sexual orientation. to create more credible relationships in the game. But the team is open to other changes and welcomes comments from its fans. "Our team is very international and very diverse, but we have asked for a lot of feedback," said Jonkers. "We always ask for feedback and even when we show these demos, we always ask people to tell us what they think, we just want to know what we can improve because we want to do a very good game and we want to really make a game that everyone is comfortable with, but at the same time, we will tackle tough problems, it's a cyberpunk world, after all. "

Cyberpunk 2077 is expected to be released on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on April 16, 2020. The game should also be released on Google Stadia in 2020.


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