Cyberpunk 2077 fans show the game is still buggy despite a major fix


It’s been just over three months since the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077, The highly anticipated open world game from CD Projekt Red starring Keanu Reeves. Meanwhile, the Polish studio has released a few updates for the game, including two major ones. The March 1.2 patch targets everything from police AI to small but funny oversights like typos. The list of fixes is long. But based on what many Twitch streamers and YouTubers are sharing after the patch, it looks like Cyberpunk 2077 always looks rude.

Right now, most of the best Twitch clips in the game are from the recent streamer broadcast Vinesauce, where the personality has a number of remaining issues. The most common type of glitch, which appears repeatedly on social media, is the reproduction of cars. When players call for a turn, the game will spawn all the vehicles in one place – sometimes leading to complete chaos, as the cars explode against each other, or the game struggles to return so many items. at a time. There also appear to be a number of physics-based hijinks, according to other clips in the stream.

Driving, in general, always seems to be hazardous. In a YouTube video uploaded by Kevduit, the player throws a grenade in the distance, prompting each NPC to exit their car in unison. Then he looks away for a split second and each of those people vanishes into thin air. These are just a few issues highlighted in the nearly four-minute video.

Those same footage also shows that the police aren’t up to the task just yet – sometimes they kill the player instantly, sometimes they disappear halfway through, and other times they completely ignore the crimes unfolding right in front of them. Likewise, other clips that are floating around at the moment don’t paint the game in a very positive light. Simple things like aim down, still do not work correctly according to players trying the patch.

On places like Reddit and Twitter, there are reports of the game loading slower than before, although performance appears to vary by platform. So far, however, some are wondering if it’s worth reverting to a game that might still be considered broken, or if they should just get a refund. As of this writing, Cyberpunk 2077 is still not available on PlayStation Store after being removed from the list in late 2020.

In January, CD Projekt Red established a roadmap for Cyberpunk 2077, which specifically numbered two patches for the game. While the struggling RPG will continue to receive unspecified changes and fixes throughout the year, depending on the roadmap, the developer will also begin to look to the development of free DLCs and next-gen upgrades. Hopefully, the upcoming changes will do more than put a band-aid on the experiment, which to date has sold millions of copies despite the controversy.

Correction: A previous version of this story misstated how long Cyberpunk 2077 has been freed.


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