‘Cyberpunk 2077’ has a large, active fan base he doesn’t seem to want


I’ve covered the Cyberpunk 2077 saga since its launch, documenting its highs (basically there’s a lot to love in the game) and lows (although loving everything requires you to put aside massive technical issues and the promised content missing). And there are two things that I noticed through it all:

  1. Cyberpunk 2077 has a pretty massive and engaged fan base.
  2. CDPR appears to have little to no interest in engaging with this fan base on anything approaching a significant level.

In terms of size, I don’t think that can be ruled out. Cyberpunk 2077 sold 13.7 million copies in December, and that was after a number of refunds due to the state of the game. ear and Sony removing it from PlayStation Store, I imagine we’ve hit at least 15 million sales so far, seven months after launch. It’s a much bigger install base than most games can ever hope to achieve.

In terms of fan community, the Cyberpunk subreddit has nearly 900,000 members. That’s almost half of what the seven-year-old Destiny subreddit has as superior to the subreddits in Fallout, Smash Bros, Diablo, Halo, Borderlands, and many other well-established series. In terms of general interest, I find the articles I write and the videos I make on Cyberpunk, even after all this time, are still some of the most popular I produce. Granted, a certain percentage of this may be due to a car accident, and yet the point is that it is an engaged community here.

The problem is, CDPR has this potentially massive fan base and has decided that the best way to communicate with them is to hardly communicate at all.

There were half-hearted apologies or two at the top of all this drama at launch, but since then? There was almost nothing. Patches and fixes usually appear from scratch, laundry lists of bug fixes with little guidance on what to follow. I remember a singular patch note preview they once did in a narrative voice in the game, but that’s about it.

There is no indication for the future of the game, as CDPR now seems scared to talk about whatever concerning the future. They’ve released some of the most nebulous and absurd roadmaps I’ve ever seen for a game, and it’s now seven months after release and we haven’t heard a single word on the promised DLC channel. free to come in the game allegedly sometime before the end of the year. We don’t know what expansions are planned. We don’t hear anything from CDPR in any meaningful way on Twitter, where they just post absurd filler content, or on reddit, where I don’t think they post at all. They seem to speak more to their investors than to their fans.

There are a few exceptions. I think about PaweÅ‚ Sasko, Senior Quest Designer on Cyberpunk who has a very affable feed where he slowly plays the game on Twitch and comments on the development, although it seems like he’s probably doing it just for fun in his spare time. And I will say that behind the scenes the communications team at CDPR are top notch, always responding to me as soon as possible if I ask for comments or have any questions.

But that’s not how you engage such a large community that is so interested in your game. We see countless other games filming videos or writing elaborate patch previews or explaining roadmaps or answering questions about reddit or Twitter. CDPR does next to none of these things, and the complete vacuum of information since Cyberpunk’s launch other than “we’re fixing the game” has been quite astonishing. Yes nobody was playing the game or interested in it at all, I would say of course, why bother. But this is not the case, and despite all its problems this game Is have a fan base and a lot of people who want to know what’s coming next. And they’ve only encountered silence for seven months now.

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