Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 apparently introduces a host of new bugs


Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 is now live and it’s starting to feel like a vicious cycle where fixing bugs can lead to new ones as well. The Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit is filled with bug findings that appeared after the last patch. Patch 1.2 seems to have a net positive when it comes to optimization, especially on consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X. But despite the fix From typos and improving things like automated police appearances and cars stuck in traffic, there appear to be new bugs that weren’t in the game prior to the patch.

The Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit, still the most popular source for everything Cyberpunk, has a bunch of videos highlighting some fun new bugs that appeared after the patch.

A few common bugs have appeared since the patch. One concerns a dynamic weather bug that seems to give some players a permanent sandstorm.

Another bug appears to involve erratic vehicle behavior, although this could be the result of the many Cyberpunk 2077 driving changes added in the latest patch.

Another common problem seems to be serious clipping issues, whether with cars, clothing, or walls. It is not known if this is the same issue that causes weapons to appear invisible to multiple players.

The subroutine has a preview of a few other stupid ones that have appeared since the patch, including the one that projects the on-board meters of a motorcycle onto a billboard. Personally, I think this one is really cool.

But beyond the new bugs, there’s a mix of some solid immersive improvements with the new patch. V now sleeps well in his bed, instead of crashing into their mattress like a high school student after one too many nights. V will also not take a shower in his clothes, which I will not share here.

Along with these fixes targeting infamous typos, patch 1.2 also seems to focus on optimization, especially on consoles. PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One X, and PS4 Pro players appear to be getting additional benefits after the patch. Although the latest generation base consoles seem to have no improvement and may perform less well after the patch.

See IGN’s Cyberpunk 2077 1.2 patch tech review for details on all performance changes.

Matt TM Kim is the editor-in-chief of IGN.


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