Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.3 Details leave a lot to be desired


Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.3

After months of relative silence since the game’s last major update (1.2 launched in April), CD Projekt Red has revealed the first details of Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.3. And, well, let’s just say the highlights are. .. disappointing. A new blog post highlights three key changes: a better minimap while driving, adjustments to a story choice, and a way to reset your skill points.

All changes are welcome, of course, but given the time that has passed since the title’s last update, the inevitable disappointment is understandable. Let’s just hope the full patch notes are a lot more positive. CD Projekt Red says the notes are “coming soon”.

You can see the new changes in action via the video below.


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