Cyberpunk 2077 studio hacked data reportedly sold


Hackers reportedly sold the game’s source code and other stolen information to Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 CD studio Projekt Red (CDPR). Cybersecurity company Kela posted screenshots of a message on the Exploit hacking forum allegedly posted by the attackers, saying that they received an offer for the data from outside the forum. They added that they had ended the auction at the request of the buyer. Twitter account on vx-underground cybersecurity subsequently confirmed that the auction was over.

On Tuesday, CDPR revealed that it was the victim of a ransomware attack in which hackers collected “certain data” from the company. It issued a ransom note from the hackers, in which they claimed to have access to the source code of the studio’s most popular games, as well as internal legal, HR and financial documents. The CDPR has said it will not give in to demands or negotiate with hackers, even if it means the stolen data will start flowing online.

It is not known who bought the data or at what price it was sold. However, the auction reportedly included the source code for Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales spin off, The Witcher 3, a ray traced version of The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077and copies of internal company documents. It depends screenshots posted by vx-underground. The auction followed a leak of CD Projekt Red’s source code virtual card game Gwent, which has been verified by Vice.

Kela previously reported that the auction’s starting price was $ 1 million, with a buy-it-now price of $ 7 million. These conditions have also been verified by vx-underground.

Although the hackers have not been officially named, a security researcher said Wired he believed this involved the use of the HelloKitty ransomware, which had also been used to hack a Brazilian utility called CEMIG.

A spokesperson for CD Projekt Red did not immediately return The edgerequest for comment from. However, earlier this week the company said Vice he is “actively investigating” the incident.


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