Cyberpunk 2077 third-person mod gives V spooky legs


V has very dead eyes with the Cyberpunk third person mod.

If you’ve spent hours in Cyberpunk 2077’s character creator only to be disappointed that the first-person RPG rarely lets you see your gorgeous V, then I’ve got good news for you. A modder created a third-person mode so you can see V’s gorgeous back while you play. It works pretty well while you’re running normally – just keep in mind that pulling out a gun warps V’s body into a terrifying Slinky.

This third person Cyberpunk mod was created by “Jelle Bakker” on Nexus Mods. It allows you to see V in four different styles in third person: center the camera behind V, place them slightly to the left or right of the screen, or a front camera so you can see their beautiful face (attention: the commands become upside down if you use this one). Watch me play around with the angles in the video below.

Aside from V’s legs functioning independently of his body while filming, this is a good mod. It’s kinda reminiscent of GTA, and I love seeing the fancy clothes I dressed my character in (she looks a lot better now than in the RPS Cyberpunk fashion show). Unfortunately, aiming down doesn’t work, but the other commands still work fine. It should be noted that this is a work in progress, so it is possible that some of these issues will be fixed in the future.

If you fancy giving it a try yourself, you will need to install the Cyber ​​Engine Tweaks mod from “Yamashi” first, which contains some bug fixes and gives you access to a debugging console. Then you can download the third person WIP TPP Mod here. There are different versions for the male and female V’s, so make sure you choose the right one.

Full instructions on how to install the mod are here, but the quick version is: extract the Cyber ​​Engine Tweaks files to your Cyberpunk 2077 bin x64 folder, then extract the TPP mod files to Cyberpunk 2077 bin x64 plugins cyber_engine_tweaks mods. Load your game with no windowed border, press B and boom! V in the third person with terribly twisted joints.

If you haven’t had Cyberpunkin ‘yet, take a look at our Cyberpunk 2077 review. It’s a good game, if darn buggy. CD Projekt Red has released a bunch of bug fixes over the past month, and more fixes are expected in the coming months as well.

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