Daily Astrological Horoscope is here for Monday, May 20, 2019, by the zodiac sign


Live on the edge. Life is an adventure!

Your daily astrology horoscopes are here for today, Monday, May 20, 2019, for all zodiac signs in astrology.

The sun is in the sign of Taurus until May 21 and the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius for the rest of the day. It is now a good time to invest in your future. If you are thinking of taking a trip, make changes to your training or look for new opportunities for remote work experiences or to know your story.

The Sun in Taurus joins the planet of communication, Mercury in the same sign. Discussions may take place at work related to personal belongings, progress or work to be done to keep you busy. You may need to negotiate terms in trade agreements. For some, this may mean signing a new contract for an expensive and luxurious property. Things can work wonders and bring you a lot of joy.

The Sun is related to Pluto, the planet of transformation, and it relates to work and home. There can be a change in work that affects your life at home and changes it forever in the right direction. Maybe it can mean a salary increase or something that gives you a new role in your career.

The sun is in a happy appearance with Neptune the planet of dreams and imagination. Take charge and avoid overconfidence when dealing with problems all day long. There is a chance of being unrealistic so be sure to keep your feet on the ground.

To learn more, search for your zodiac sign below to find out what lies ahead, according to Astrology. Here is your horoscope for today, Monday, May 20, 2019, plus a tarot card.


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