Daily horoscope, tarot and numerology predictions for today, Tuesday 30 April 2019: Zodiac signs by astrology


Head in the clouds. Feet on the ground.

Daily reading of your tarot card for the astrological horoscope of each astrological sign is available for Tuesday, April 30, 2019! Your leadership abilities can come into play today with a strong sense of intuition and desire to serve whatever road you are heading.

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The sun is in the rustic sign of the bull, which gives all signs of the zodiac strength and determination to hold their weapons and to face the risk or challenges. The zodiac sign of the bull is associated with the card of the Hierophant tarot, and with the numerology of a number 1 life path, the universe sends a signal to allow you to take a shot at it. look at the evolution of your life.

Those you have trained and those who came before your birth have taught you to think in a certain way. The time has come to reprogram your process and we can work on an illusion so that you can move on.

The Moon remains in the sign of Pisces and this draws attention to the Moon's tarot card. The tarot card of the moon is a growing and decreasing energy that shows that when things change, you can let yourself be deluded.

To dream is one thing. Believing in your dreams is a good thing, but when you see facts and you know the truth, the denial of truth can be dangerous. The truth is an important player in the game of life. Working hard in the wrong direction has no benefit. Daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly personal assessments must always be done.


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