Daily use of marijuana may increase risk of psychosis, study finds


TUCSON – The use of weeds is taking off, as more and more states decide to legalize it. Despite the buzz on marijuana, there are some health risks associated with frequent use.

One of the most troubling effects of marijuana use on health is the risk of psychotic episode. A

new study published in The Lancet Psychiatry

shows that daily weed consumption and the use of high-potency cannabis are associated with a higher risk of psychosis.

"During an episode of psychosis, an individual may have a modified perception, his thought process may be different and he may lose contact with reality, for example, he may have hallucinations where he sees or heard voices, systems of false belief, "said Dr. Jennifer Treusch.

The study found that people who used grass daily were three times more likely to have a psychotic episode, compared to someone who had never used the drug. The daily use of very powerful weeds almost doubled those chances.

"And it gets even worse for people who consume very potent marijuana.They are five times more likely to have a psychotic episode," Treusch said.

The study defines high potency cannabis as containing more than 10% THC.

According to Treusch, one of the theories linking episodes of weeds and psychotic episodes is that marijuana influences dopamine in the brain – a chemical that can affect hallucinations. But she and the study point out that there is no decisive link between marijuana that directly causes psychosis.

"Unfortunately, the FDA has classified marijuana in the list of Schedule 1 substances and has not been fully studied, and studies would also be very useful to fully understand what marijuana does to the body. and in the spirit, "she says.

According to

National Alliance for Mental Illness

no less than three out of every 100 people will have a psychotic episode at some point in their lives.


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