Dairy Queen employee fired after marijuana cake mix


Earlier this week, the birthday cake of a young woman became viral when, instead of a MoanaThemed cake, she received a cake on the theme of marijuana. The incident, which resulted from a simple misunderstanding, was more fun than upsetting for the girl-girl party and her family who certainly have a memorable story to tell for years to come, but for the employee of Dairy Queen who decorated the viral cake, no fun. She was fired for this error, an error for which she may not have been the first to blame.

Cassandra Walker, a Georgia Dairy Queen employee at the origin of the cake incident, told USA Today that she had in fact been fired for this incident. Walker explained that it was her supervisor who took the order, not understanding Kensli Davis's mother well when she placed the order and she thought she was going to make a marijuana cake instead of Moana. The manager then passed the actual work of the cake to Walker, who created the cake with a marijuana leaf and a "My Little Pony" character.

"The manager was behind me while I was shooting the images from the Internet," Walker said. "It happened when I decorated the cake, when I wrapped the cake, it was she who pushed it forward."

When Davis' mother collected the cake and discovered the mistake, the store apologized for the problem and offered to create a new one, although the offer was refused. . It is this part of the story that one of the owners of the Dairy Queen has confirmed.

"Our cake decorator designed a cake based on what she thought she had heard the customer's order.When the customer retrieved it and said it was not what it was. She had ordered, we apologized for the mistake and we proposed to redefine her as she originally intended.The client said that all was well, paid the cake and left, "said Al Autry.

But that was not the end of Walker's story. She was fired from her post on Monday – which was her own birthday – after a year of service which, she says, did not experience any performance issues.

"It's not funny for me," Walker said. "It's back to school, I have two little girls here, I have care to settle in. It's not funny to me."

Although Walker was offered a position by another manager, she declined the offer because of the way she had been treated throughout the situation.

"It was a mistake, it could have been considered a learning experience," Walker said. "I would have accepted that.I would have agreed to be writing.But being at this job for almost a year and not having to write, have no problems, and just be let go because of an error, it's not funny to me. "


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