Dallas LGBTQ MP torpedo Save Chick-fil-A bill | Texas Legislature


Johnson said that she and her LGBTQ caucus colleagues from the newly formed Texas House were working tirelessly to formulate different ways to remove the bill once they understood that it had good chances to be debated Thursday, deadline for which representatives will adopt bills and resolutions.

First, she raised the point of order by arguing that the amended bill unduly broadened its scope. This was shot down. Then Johnson said that an analysis of the effects of the bill was inaccurate. This point of order was valid, parliamentarians said.

When the bill died, a handful of legislators applauded his passing. Somewhere in the house, someone broadcast a recording of "Taps".

Johnson, a first-year lawmaker, ousted Republican Irving Matt Rinaldi last year. She took advantage of her legal experience on Thursday, said Johnson, but added that, even if she had brought the point of order, killing the bill was a "group effort".

"It was an honor to be chosen to be the messenger," Johnson said. "The LGBTQ caucus is in the House, we are moving forward and we are here to stay."


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