Damian Lillard: Clippers, George Not True Rivals


Portland Trail Blazer fans are abuzz with talks of the rivalry as Damian Lillard and the Blazers take on Patrick Beverly, Paul George and the Los Angeles Clippers. Earlier today, Yahoo Sports posted a thread on Twitter about the alleged rivalry between Lillard and George.

The thread was about the shot Lillard hit while George – then playing for the Oklahoma City Thunder – threatened him in 2019. Lillard’s three-time pointer knocked out the Thunder in the first round of the playoffs. The same Yahoo Sports Twitter thread continues to highlight comments that were sent back and forth between Lillard and George in the months following that media and social media release.

Ahead of the Clippers game tonight, Lillard commented on the alleged rivalry between him and George, saying, “I thought a rivalry had been built on the pitch.”

The Trail Blazers take on the Clippers tonight in Los Angeles at 7 p.m. PST.


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