Daniel Kaluuya had an 8-hour reunion with Fred Hampton’s family


In Judas and the black Messiah, Daniel Kaluuya plays Fred Hampton, the young leader of the Black Panther Party who was gunned down at age 21. daring and moving role for the Briton, who tells The AV club that he was inspired by an “intense” 8 hour shoot between himself and director Shaka King, co-star Dominique Fishback, and producers Ryan Coogler and Charles King had part of the Hampton family, including his namesake son, Fred Hampton, Jr. Part of the audition and part of the therapy session, the reunion was, Kaluuya says, “deeply touching and expansive, ”even including a tour of some of the areas where Hampton grew up. More on that, plus Kaluuya’s thoughts on the film’s still poignant messages about social justice, in the video above.

Judas and the Black Messiah premieres on HBO Max on Friday, February 12.


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