Dark Knight writer convinced WB to kill Sandman movie


Dark Knight and Blade writer David S. Goyer explains why he convinced Warner Bros. to kill the Sandman movie he was shooting with Neil Gaiman.

David S. Goyer, the writer behind the Blade, Black Knight, and the DCEU Superman movies, has worked on countless comic book properties. But one adaptation was so bad that he convinced the studio to cancel it.

In a broad interview with Hollywood journalist, Goyer talked about bringing existing stories to the big and small screen – or in one case, making sure they don’t get made. “I hope I have now gained a reputation for speaking frankly, for being honest,” Goyer said. “My choice is always ‘What works for the story?’ And if I adapt an IP, like a comic, I’m not trying to make it something that it’s not. Because if you do, no matter what, even if you have the best intentions, it’s definitely not going to work. So there were times when I was involved in projects where I actually advocated that the studio not do it. I said, “It’s going to fail. It’s not worth the money. “I’ve been dissuaded from making movies and TV shows before.”

When the interviewer asked about the project, he revealed that it was the Sand seller film with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. “I will say that one was a previous iteration of Sand seller. It was a feature. “

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In development for years, the film is said to have seen Gordon-Levitt lead with the production of Goyer. In 2016, Gordon-Levitt left the Sand seller movie. From there it all fell apart, although in 2019 comic book writer Neil Gaiman was still hoping that a movie or TV show would be made. Although he has yet to receive a release date, Sand seller will finally arrive on television thanks to Netflix, Goyer and Gaiman.

Fortunately, Goyer was not part of one of the worst attempts to bring Gaiman’s story to life. The interviewer asked if Goyer’s take was the script Gaiman once said was “not just the worst Sand seller script I’ve ever seen, but quite easily the worst script I’ve ever read. “

“Fortunately, no,” confirmed Goyer. “I was trying to get Warner Bros. to do a serialized streaming show and they wanted to do it as a feature instead. So Neil and I worked on a feature, and through the different iterations, it didn’t. stopped deforming subtly., and moving further and further away from true north. Finally, we just said, “Guys, please let’s stop, please kill it, let’s do – as a streaming show. “Finally, they did.”

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The sand man The TV show is currently in production. The second part of Audible Sand seller The audiobook series debuts on September 22.

Source: Hollywood journalist

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