Dark Phoenix has a hole so big that it breaks X-Men: Apocalypse


X-Men: Dark PhoenixThe biggest hole in the plot literally breaks the entire third act of X-Men: Apocalypse. Fox's X-Men franchise has never been known for its consistency. In large part, this is because the studio has not really planned in the long run, but instead opted for short-term gains.

Not surprisingly, this has caused big problems to the X-Men franchise over the years. Sometimes it meant that they just did not know how to make a story work; they had been trying to set up or introduce the classic villain Mr. Sinister since X-Men: First classbut never really managed to pull it off. On other occasions, this has caused nightmarish continuity problems. Xavier was killed at X-Men: The Final Clash, surviving by placing his mind in another body, and yet he had returned to normal – with disabling wounds – in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Wolverine actually lost his claws in Wolverine, but mysteriously found them for the next film.

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Related: The complete scenario of the X-Men movie explained (from 2000 to Dark Phoenix)

But X-Men: Dark Phoenix probably contains the most problematic continuity problem of all the X-Men franchise, a hole so vast terrain that it literally breaks the third act of another movie.

X-Men: The third act of Revelation concerned the creation of Phoenix

X-Men Apocalypse - Gray Jeans as Phoenix

The fundamental problem is that X-Men: Apocalypse, set in 1983, was all about setting up Phoenix Force. The film featured Sophie Turner's Jean Gray as a powerful psychic mutant, whose abilities Xavier had carefully locked to help manage them. At the beginning of the film, Jean had a haunting vision of the world consumed by the fire, visions she believed related to Apocalypse. Disturbed by these visions and by the absolute psychic power she manifested, John spoke of her abilities as if they were almost a separate entity. Xavier was not in agreement and was trying to help Jean control his powers. In the third act, however, faced with the threat of Revelation, the teacher had to take a different approach. He encouraged John to release the vast reservoir of almost infinite psychic power that lay dormant in her, which she freed to defeat Revelation. The energy manifested around John in the form of a raptor effect of the phoenix.

X-Men: Apocalypse was clearly setting up the Phoenix Force, inspired by the modern reinterpretation of the classic Phoenix Saga by Robert Kirkman in his Ultimate X-Men run. At that moment, John began to have a terrifying view of the world consumed by fire and his powers grew to a staggering degree. The X-Men did not learn the truth until they were approached by a religious cult, which revealed that John was the host of the ancient and cosmic Force of the Phoenix. They thought that the Phoenix was a raw cosmic force of creation, contained in a vast psychic prison millennia ago by fearful races. This prison had become the Earth and, from his cell, the Phoenix had influenced human evolution to create the perfect host, a being able to contain it and allow it to escape. Jean Gray was the host, his genetic structure had been mutated to the design in order to connect it to the Phoenix Force, thus exercising his unlimited power with ease. Supporting the interpretation that this serves as a source of inspiration for the new Phoenix story, the Ultimate version ended with John's joining the Phoenix in the battle with Apocalypse.

Phoenix's revelation is easily the smartest part of X-Men: Apocalypse. Although the word "apocalypse" is associated with the idea of ​​the end of the world, historically apocalyptic literature was an ancient genre of writing where an angel or divine being revealed the future. Thus, the true "apocalypse" of X-Men: Apocalypse, in the oldest sense of the word, is the revelation that John Gray is the Phoenix, having access to all the power of the Phoenix Force.

Related: What is the Phoenix Force? The bad X-Men explained

Dark Phoenix completely rewrites the origins of Phoenix Force

X-Men: Dark Phoenix completely abandon this idea. At the beginning of the film, Phoenix Force roamed the cosmos for infinite ages. Entire worlds were destroyed under a Phoenix fire. The birthplace of D & # 39; Bari was consumed by the Phoenix and the character of Jessica Chastain, Vuk, is the leader of the survivors, who pursue the Phoenix across the space in order to find a way to l? use or destroy it. They see their chance when Jean Gray meets the Phoenix on a mission in space and she absorbs it herself. The Phoenix triggers an additional evolution within John, who only makes one with the Phoenix when she beats Vuk.

This idea is clearly inspired by the original classic "The Dark Phoenix Saga" by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, in which Jean became attached to Phoenix Force after a similar mission in space, supplemented by solar flares. But that does not correspond at all to the configuration. In X-Men: ApocalypseJohn has access to the Phoenix in 1983; in X-Men: Dark Phoenixit gains Phoenix power after an incident in 1992. Even the visual effects are different, the Phoenix raptor manifesting itself by a fire X-Men: Apocalypsebut adjusted to give it a more cosmic feel X-Men: Dark Phoenix. There is simply no way to reconcile these two films.

The final hole of the plot of X-Men movies was inevitable

Dark Phoenix Jean Gray Poster

X-Men: Dark Phoenix That's the end of the Fox X-Men movies, and it's a shame that the franchise has to end in the biggest hole in the history of any plot. In truth, this error was largely unavoidable. Fox had already tried to adapt the Dark Phoenix Saga once before, in 2006 X-Men: The Final Clashand they had failed to embrace the cosmic side of the classic story of Claremont and Byrne. Naturally, their second attempt would not make the same mistake, which means X-Men: Dark Phoenix John would always begin to meet the Phoenix for the first time.

As was often the case, the reason for this plot is simply that Fox has not planned. They started setting up the Phoenix force X-Men: Apocalypse, before thinking too much about the version of the Phoenix story they were going to tell. Far from becoming a launching pad for X-Men: Dark Phoenix, apocalypse has become a problem. Fox could either choose to follow her and tell a fundamentally different story, or simply ignore it. They opted for the last one.

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